Working Capital Loans

Obtaining capital can be difficult for many businesses. A Working Capital loan can provide the cash your business needs to keep growing until revenues increase to cover all the operating expenses.

The best in the business.

Image of Bridgewater team member, Tony Ferraro.

Tony Ferraro

Managing Director Banking

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Image of Bridgewater team member, Dan Koch.

Dan Koch

Senior Vice President Commercial Banking Team Lead

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Image of Bridgewater team member, Lynn Roth.

Lynn Roth

Vice President Commercial Banking

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Tony Ferraro

Managing Director Banking

What makes Bridgewater unconventional: "Bridgewater does things differently. When everyone else is going one way, we go the other and see things from a new perspective."

Specialty: C&I Lending


Dan Koch

Senior Vice President Commercial Banking Team Lead

What makes Bridgewater unconventional: "An entrepreneurial approach with exceptional customer service, flexibility, responsiveness and focus on growth makes it easy to serve clients and build lasting relationships."

Specialty: C&I


Lynn Roth

Vice President Commercial Banking

What makes Bridgewater unconventional: "Flexibility. Local decision making. Responsive. It’s as simple as that."

Specialty: C&I

Ready for something unconventional?